Legal Threats Don’t Stop Growth of Textbook Pricing Application
OccupyTheBookstore, a Chrome browser add-on from Texts.com, has become the subject of legal threats from Follett Higher Education Group, one of the largest college textbook retailers in the U.S. Textbook price comparison tools are not new, with websites like Chegg and...
Amazon Brand Registry – blog post_FINAL
Amazon is taking over the world, but that’s no surprise to retailers. Amazon knows that to entice sellers to list their products and to ensure buyers the goods they’re seeing are legitimate, it needs to control the problem of counterfeit goods. The...
Bottling That “Lehman” Feeling: Trademark Revivals and Unsavory Brands
Developing a name with worldwide recognition is often the goal for brand owners. A globally recognized brand advertises itself and can even be a shorthand descriptor for particular goods or services. In the financial services industry, few names trigger as much...